Monday, 31 December 2012

Task #13 - Spend New Years Eve in Sydney

It sounds weird, doesn't it? I am Australian so why have I never seen the Sydney NYE Fireworks in person? Who knows, but this year I put my foot down and thought that 2013 should start properly - which in my mind is; a glass of champagne, camera in hand, looking over the entire Sydney Harbour and City counting down to midnight.

Sydney definitely knows how to begin a New Year! There were the preliminary fireworks for the kids at 9pm and then the important ones at midnight! It was a terrific place to be and the fireworks were great. Some of them were being let off from the tops of buildings, the harbour bridge, and barges along the river.

The theme this year was "embrace" and the key colours of the fireworks were yellow, red, and crimson. It was fun and most definitely a good way to start 2013 off! Let's hope the rest of the year is just as awesome! Happy New Year to everyone!

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Task #12 - Be Published

I, honestly thought this one would NEVER happen! Or at least not now! I study interior design and my only real chance of ever being published was if I wrote a book for fun, on the side, or if I eventual ended up writing for an interior design magazine.

Yesterday, my first article was published in an English Property/Design magazine that is distributed throughout all of Spain & the Islands. Such a surreal feeling! For this article I was asked to write about a local interior design company called UDesign- who create some very innovative furnitures and interior spaces for their clients.

Now this one has been published and I'm working on the next one is an 8 page spread where I get to do the layout as well. It's very exciting!

To see the magazine online follow this link, the article is on page 50:

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Task #11 - Visit Ireland

I've always been fascinated with the thought of Ireland. A different country to visit, with a lot of culture and history, and even more beer! In my mind it is the land of green pastures, leprechauns, Guinness, & pots of gold at the end of the rainbow.

I traveled to Dublin this weekend to see if any of that was true. It was amazing! The Irish celebrate Christmas in the most amazing way and Dublin is such a vibrant, historical city. There was Christmas lights on every corner and so many people dress up in some very ridiculous costumes to celebrate this festive time of year! I saw this one girl who had spiked her hair up into a cone, spray painted it green and then covered it in tinsel & lights - it was awesome!

Basically my time in Dublin was spent walking, being in awe of the amount of shops they have there, looking at the Christmas lights, and also drinking Guinness! It is a beautiful city, although a tad chilly, but it is filled with surprises on every turn.

I wish I could've spent more time there exploring the countryside. I caught a glimpse of it when flying in and out of Dublin and it is very green so it lived up to my expectations! :)

Next time I go back, I'll be on the hunt for a leprechaun and that pot of gold!

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Task #10 - Swim With Sharks

This task, I thought, was never going to get accomplished because my mother would never allow me to dive with a predator around. However, this time she willingly allowed me to do so as it was in a controlled environment :)

So, on a recent trip down to Cape Town I went diving in the Aquarium with five ragged-tooth sharks, also known as gray nurse sharks. There has never been any fatal attacks on humans from these sharks, but there have been attacks.... I went into the tank with only the dive master and got to spend 30 minutes with the sharks, as well as stingrays, turtles, and a whole bunch of fish! It was awesome!

The dive master allowed the sharks to come super close to me, I think at one point, one shark was only 15cm away from my head. It was a little bit nerve-wracking but it was such an amazing experience......

I'm so excited I managed to get this one checked off my bucket list, and so far it has been my favourite experience..... <3

Task #9 - Go On A Road Trip

Hey Bloggers! I'm sorry I haven't been posting things in a while, been a tad busy. But one of my latest ventures that I can remove from my bucket list is to go on a road trip!

My boyfriend and I decided to go and check out the Drakensberg region of South Africa. It's about halfway between Johannesburg and Durban and it's a massive mountain range. So it's ideal for outdoor people! :)

We decided to spend five days there and stay in different places along the way so we could see and experience as much as possible! Our plan was to stay at the Amphitheatre (cool mountain lodge place) the first night, then move down to Champagne Valley, and finally end up in Mooi River!

The plan did work, for the most part - it decided to snow! Normally the snowy week happens in July, but of course this year it decided to happen in August. ALL of the highways were closed once we got to our checkpoint at Harrismith.... Including the important main highways from Joburg to Durban.... It was crazy. We quickly booked ourselves into an inn in Harrismith and then made plans with our other accomodation to scoot everything back by a day. So it was a great start! But still, it was awesome, especially to see SNOW in AFRICA!!!! :)

The next morning we woke up to find that most of the roads were still closed but we managed to take back routes to the Amphitheatre! We spent a freezing night up in the mountains, but it was beautiful! :) Looked so much like the Alps! The following morning we decided to go on a hike up the Amphitheatre, because of the snow the hiking trail wasn't cleared properly, so we were literally walking in each others footprints on the edge of a very high mountain!!! I was scared, I won't lie!

After surviving we made our way through Champagne Valley and then finally reached Mooi River. We stayed at this beautiful lodge where the rooms are actually individual treehouses! :) Upon arriving, we were told that because of the 1m of snow, there was no electricity or water.... we had food and candles, so it was a fun night, consisting of candlelit dinner and flashlight billards :) But it was beautiful, our treehouse had an unobstructed view of the Drakensberg and it was magnificent....

Needless to say, it wasn't the trip we were expecting with a few issues and delays, but it was so worth it. The Drakensberg looks so much better with snow!!!! 

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Task #8 - See the Gorillas

If you believe in evolution you will believe that humans are directly related to apes.
I got the privilege this year (July 2012) to see the endangered Mountain Gorillas of Rwanda! What an experience! There are only about 700 gorillas left in the wild and they are very well conserved. In the national park in Rwanda where you can find these gorillas only 80 people are allowed in per day to track various gorilla families of which only 8 people are in each group. Once you find these massive animals, one gets only an hour to take as many Kodak memories as possible!

My family and I tracked the Agashya group. Consisting of about 25 members all up and one set of one year old twins! And they are exactly like how the youngsters in Tarzan where - rolling around, climbing trees, eating, etc. There is one silverback in the group and eight adult females (greedy silverback!). I felt like Jane, just without the yellow dress, umbrella, and high heels!

They are beautiful, calm creatures - there only tasks in life is to eat, sleep, and play! Not a bad life to live. Watching them in their natural habitat was extraordinary, especially knowing that these apes might not be around in 50 years... Its daunting but so magical. A once in a lifetime experience (because thats all our wallets can handle!), but so worth it, just to see such a powerful and famous animal without any cages or fencing in-between (literally 5m away from the family!)


Make sure bloggers that you put this one on your bucket list, its worth it! Till next time :)

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Task #7 - Go to a Drive-In

I think it's safe to say that most people adore that "Grease" era - the 50s. A time where dates didn't consist of dinner following a movie, but actually where dinner was eaten in front of a movie being projected at the drive-in.

It's cute and classic so I had it on my bucket list just to experience something that wasn't typical from my generation. In Johannesburg there is a drive-in called Velskoen Drive-In and unfortunately it is shutting down and moving elsewhere. So we had to race to go and see the final showings. It was pretty cool, being able to stay in the comfort of your own car, eat as much food as you want, play on the playground (which I didn't do but it was an option) and tune in to a frequency to listen to the film being shown.

 I had so much fun and it was such an experience. It's sad to think that in 20 years time there will probably be no more drive-ins to visit!

Monday, 11 June 2012

Task #6 - Visit Bilbao

Bilbao is famous for the Guggenheim Museum. It's a massive structure made out of metal and stone to form an art gallery where the building is an artwork in itself.

I decided to check out this Northern "Spanish" city for a weekend and what I found was exactly the opposite to what I was expecting.

For starters - I was told because Bilbao was an industrial hub back in the day so I was told it is filthy! Those people were incredibly wrong. Granted - one can tell that smog can collect there but it was very clear when I visited. It's a city where things are SO different from each other that they somehow work. A renaissance style building right next to a bright Art Deco building - yet they contrast each other so much that it makes them seem like they fit! It's rather spectacular.

Secondly, I have no idea why but I was expecting the Guggenheim to be small. Quite the contrary! It is a massive building and it really stands out from everything else. The artwork inside is rather amazing as well. It completely messes with your head. The first exhibition are iron sculptures made by the artist Richard Serra. He makes these massive sculptures that are kind of like mazes but they make you incredibly confused. There is an entire floor dedicated to David Hockney who basically creates smaller images and pieces them together to make jigsaw puzzle-like landscapes. It's pretty fascinating!

Bilbao is a good place to visit for a weekend and you can see everything in 48 hours! So a very easy stop over for anyone up North :)

Friday, 18 May 2012

Task #5 - Chalk my Hair

It's the best invention - a crazy colour that can be put in your hair and then washed out the next time you shower. Chalk!!! My friend and I saw all these amazing photos on the internet of people trying it, and although our hair did not look as elegant and pretty afterwards it sure did look pretty cool.

My Blue Hair!!!!

Besides it was "colouring in" our hair :) I definitely think that hairdressers should offer this as an option of dye :)
 If anyone else feels the need to try this out you can find a tutorial on:

Keep checking in <3

Friday, 11 May 2012

Task #4 - Sleep under the stars

Despite all my adventures, I've never gone camping. I'm more of a hotel - or at least a proper bed - kind of girl, but I wanted to make an exception.... So, rather than sleeping in a tent outside in nature, I slept outside on my terrace with my friends, Kate, Heidi, & Malin. We got some wine and set up some blankets and mattresses and fell asleep.

It was beautiful, saw so many stars and we could even see a few planets! It was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had! Waking up in the middle of the night and having the stars right there was unbelievable. It was such a calming experience and one of the best sleeps I've ever had.

Morning Sunrise

My village at 7am

I'm recommending it to everyone! Such a terrific thing to have on your bucket list!!!

 My bed for the night! :)

Keep checking for more updates :)

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Deleting from My Bucket List

I'm sort of making up my own rules about my bucket list, and I have decided that I am allowed to delete activities once I do more research into them.....

So, I am removing my wish to get my hair cut at the Great Gatsby. I used to love watching the show Jerseylicious and I thought it would be cool to get my hair cut there, but I just discovered that the hair stylists in the show don't work at the salon. So what's the point?

So, it's off the bucket list, which means room for another task! :)

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Task #3 - Go To a Live Fashion Show

You are cordially invited to:
Malaga Fashion Week 2012

The perks of having a fashion design student as your roommate is that quite often if they hear about awesome fashion events you will too! My roommate and her class organized to go and see the opening of Malaga Fashion Week and I tagged along.

As my first fashion show experience it was pretty cool! For starters, we were VIP - meaning free champagne, fancy food, got to mingle amongst Spanish celebs like "Miss Spain" and got to see a very interesting, but more importantly LIVE fashion show!

Miss Spain walking the runway

 My roommate and I at Fashion Week!

One of the dancers/models

It was incredible. Everything a fashion show was meant to be, loud music, crazy hairstyles, very skinny models, A LOT of gay men, and outrageous fashion. It was worth it! 

I had it on my bucket list, and I honestly thought it would be one of the last things I would be able to accomplish, but believe it or not it was my third task that I completed. So only about a bajillion more goals to achieve and I'll be done.

Keep checking in for updates :)

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Avery Canahuati

This little girl had her own bucket list that her parents created for her. She had a genetic disease and unfortunately died. So she won't be able to fulfill it. Amazing little girl and my heart goes out to her. If you have the chance please read the article...
Photo from Sydney Morning Herald

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Task #2 - Have Breakfast at Tiffany's

A look back to the early 20th century and while in Paris I bought a croissant and coffee and ate it outside Tiffany's so I can say that I have had "breakfast" at Tiffany's. I discovered that the best time to do anything "outrageous" in Paris is on a Sunday morning. I think I saw about 5 people while I was out being a "tourist". It was amazing to experience the city at its quietest. A city that is filled with so many people and so much noise was at last peaceful, untouched, and beautiful.
Task two complete! :)

Task #1 - Make A Rainbow Cake

I was so fascinated by the images of rainbow cakes that have been popping up on the internet recently and I really wanted to see if I could master it. Well, its didn't turn out as beautiful as some that have been blogged about, but it worked and it actually tasted quite well despite what it looked like....... first task done!


A friend of mine and I were talking about our extensive bucket lists that we have created. So we decided that it would be a good idea to blog about our experiences. So far my list has about 70 tasks and it grows every day! Hopefully this blog will help me remember to fulfill all of my life's goals. Here we go....