Friday, 18 May 2012

Task #5 - Chalk my Hair

It's the best invention - a crazy colour that can be put in your hair and then washed out the next time you shower. Chalk!!! My friend and I saw all these amazing photos on the internet of people trying it, and although our hair did not look as elegant and pretty afterwards it sure did look pretty cool.

My Blue Hair!!!!

Besides it was "colouring in" our hair :) I definitely think that hairdressers should offer this as an option of dye :)
 If anyone else feels the need to try this out you can find a tutorial on:

Keep checking in <3

Friday, 11 May 2012

Task #4 - Sleep under the stars

Despite all my adventures, I've never gone camping. I'm more of a hotel - or at least a proper bed - kind of girl, but I wanted to make an exception.... So, rather than sleeping in a tent outside in nature, I slept outside on my terrace with my friends, Kate, Heidi, & Malin. We got some wine and set up some blankets and mattresses and fell asleep.

It was beautiful, saw so many stars and we could even see a few planets! It was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had! Waking up in the middle of the night and having the stars right there was unbelievable. It was such a calming experience and one of the best sleeps I've ever had.

Morning Sunrise

My village at 7am

I'm recommending it to everyone! Such a terrific thing to have on your bucket list!!!

 My bed for the night! :)

Keep checking for more updates :)

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Deleting from My Bucket List

I'm sort of making up my own rules about my bucket list, and I have decided that I am allowed to delete activities once I do more research into them.....

So, I am removing my wish to get my hair cut at the Great Gatsby. I used to love watching the show Jerseylicious and I thought it would be cool to get my hair cut there, but I just discovered that the hair stylists in the show don't work at the salon. So what's the point?

So, it's off the bucket list, which means room for another task! :)

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Task #3 - Go To a Live Fashion Show

You are cordially invited to:
Malaga Fashion Week 2012

The perks of having a fashion design student as your roommate is that quite often if they hear about awesome fashion events you will too! My roommate and her class organized to go and see the opening of Malaga Fashion Week and I tagged along.

As my first fashion show experience it was pretty cool! For starters, we were VIP - meaning free champagne, fancy food, got to mingle amongst Spanish celebs like "Miss Spain" and got to see a very interesting, but more importantly LIVE fashion show!

Miss Spain walking the runway

 My roommate and I at Fashion Week!

One of the dancers/models

It was incredible. Everything a fashion show was meant to be, loud music, crazy hairstyles, very skinny models, A LOT of gay men, and outrageous fashion. It was worth it! 

I had it on my bucket list, and I honestly thought it would be one of the last things I would be able to accomplish, but believe it or not it was my third task that I completed. So only about a bajillion more goals to achieve and I'll be done.

Keep checking in for updates :)

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Avery Canahuati

This little girl had her own bucket list that her parents created for her. She had a genetic disease and unfortunately died. So she won't be able to fulfill it. Amazing little girl and my heart goes out to her. If you have the chance please read the article...
Photo from Sydney Morning Herald